Saturday 22 May 2010

May 2010 - Davidsons Re-Submission

Many of you may know that Davidsons have re-submitted their application. A re-submission is completely different to an appeal and should be treated in exactly the same way as we did before.

That means we need everyone to write as many objection letters as possible (Blaby Council received around 380 for the last application).


There is a new case officer this time so you can simply re-date your old letter and send it through to Nigel Wright at Blaby District Council and it will become part of the Village's Objections to the Application.

If you didn't write a letter last time but want to this time then I have re-pasted the guidelines we gave out on the last appeal below.

Keep watching this blog for updates. As before the telephone number will be live again if you have any queries. Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

There are 3 things you can do to fight this:

1. Write a letter of Objection to Blaby District Council by 8th June
(Click on the picture below to see an example letter to start you off!)

2. Look out for the Special Village Meeting in the Village Hall - we will update this blog and put up signs around the village when we know the date. The more attend and put their objections across, the more backing the Parish Council has to fight this.

3. FUNDING! We need donations to fight this development. If you can help with money, printing, or delivering then please call the Countesthorpe Action Group on 07979 867415.

Thursday 18 March 2010


At the Development Control Committee this afternoon, a unanimous vote of REFUSAL was agreed to the planning application for Willoughby Road.

WELL DONE to everyone who worked so hard to fight the proposal !

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Andrew Senior Recommends Refusal

There is no more important man than Andrew Senior, as the Planning Officer for this proposal, and he has quite rightly put forward that the Planning Application is refused by the Committee.

Monday 8 March 2010

Traffic Survey Submitted !

The Traffic Survey has finally been sent to Andrew Senior and Planning Commitee to assist with their assessment of the planning application. At a high level there has been 120% increase in traffic since the Leicester County Council Survey in 2006, showing that more and more cars are using Countesthorpe to cut across underneath Leicester and its surrounding boroughs. There were huge queues at the Willoughby Rd / Cosby Road Staggered Crossroads when we actioned the survey proving that it is already well over capacity - any development will further bottleneck the village. Fingers crossed the committee see sense.

Friday 26 February 2010

Status Update (Keep Writing Those Letters !!!)

Thank-you to everyone who went to the Parish Council Meeting at the Village Hall last week. It was a great turnout and there were many constructive comments that helped to convince the Parish Council that this is not for the benefit of Our Village.

On Tuesday we completed our Traffic Survey - thanks to everyone who helped in the Big Count! Without beginning to analyse how different the real figures are to those sent in by the developers, it is clear that the Cosby Road / Winchester Road Crossroads is already experiencing periods of Gridlock. This is before any impact from the housing being developed at Borrowcup and Scalborough! The weak and un-researched "double mini-roundabout" suggestion will make it even worse! All this BEFORE they would even add the Willoughby Road Development with its additional cars! Better start investing in a helicopter as soon it will be the only way in and out of the village!

LETTERS, LETTERS, LETTERS! Thank-you to everyone who has already sent one in to Andrew Senior at Blaby District Council however WE STILL NEED MORE! Don't forget every adult in a house can send a letter. The template is included below to help you write one - it takes just 10 minutes and a single stamp to tell the council how much you object to our village being over-developed so please help us and get writing!

Letter Template (click on the picture below):

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Save Our Village!

Help Fight The Proposed Development

Davidsons Builders are trying to push through a new 120 house residential site on Willoughby Road.

You didn't know?

That's no surprise as the Council have only sent out a few advisory letters so very few people know about it!

This 120 house development will bring 250+ more cars onto our roads, causing increased congestion and road safety issues as well as noise pollution and increased pressure on already over-stretched resources throughout our village. This is ON TOP OF the already authorised 260 new houses off Borrowcup and Scalborough Close!

We need to STOP this right now!

What Can I do to Stop this?

There are 3 things you can do to fight this:

1. Write a letter of Objection to Blaby District Council by 10th March
(Click on the picture below to see an example letter to start you off!)

2. Come to the Village Meeting on Monday 22nd February at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

3. Volunteer! We need your help and donations to fight this development. If you want to help please call the Countesthorpe Action Group on 07979 867415

We CAN stop this

Every Letter of Objection is counted.

Please take just 10 minutes to write yours to Blaby District Council